Healthy Body Is Important for Healthy Mind
Healthy Body is important for healthy mind!
Do you feel exhausted, tired, or frustrated all day?
Few of us acknowledge that our eating habits influence our work, mood, and activity levels.
Unhealthy eating habits effects your job performance. Yes! This is true it happens. We can not deny that our brain also gets nutrients from the food we consume.
If you don’t believe this fact – that’s amazing – follow these simple tips and put it to test on yourself. You may have heard about these tips before, but few are aware that they can have a significant impact on your performance at work, regardless of whether you have a sitting job or one that requires physical work.
Basic diet tips for better performance at work-
1- Have a cup of warm water every morning
2- Take your own food at work
Try to include fruits and veggies in your meals.
3- Dinner should be a light and simple home-cooked meal.
Spicy, heavy, and junk meals will have an effect the next morning, and you will feel sluggish because your organs were busy digesting the food all night rather than resting.
4- Limit your caffeine intake
Too much caffeine can lead to insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, and exhaustion after the effects of the caffeine wear off, which usually happens after a few hours.
Bonus tip:
Sunlight – Use the sun as your charger.
A simple walk outside during your lunch break is enough to provide your body with its daily dose of vitamin D, allowing you to finish your workday feeling alert and energised.
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